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History of Tau Iota Chapter


    In the spring of 1946, the following men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. petitioned the 1st District and International Headquarters for a Graduate Chapter to be established in Hartford, CT. As a result from the efforts of John Bell, Arthur Johnson, Earl Costin, Tom Nixon, George Goodman, Orice Smith, Vascoe Hale, Fred Warden, Donald Harris, Sr., John West, Dr. Alan, Jackson and Alvin Wood, the Tau Iota Chapter was established in Hartford, CT, on June 28, 1946. In accordance with International and 1st District mandates, the Tau Iota Chapter sponsors local initiatives that focus on service to the community. 

   These services and programs include; financial scholarships to eligible graduating high school seniors in the greater Hartford community, health care initiatives (American Red Cross/ American Diabetes Association/ Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation of CT), Voter Registration, Thanksgiving Meal donations, Christmas Toys and Clothing donations. Additional Programs include the education and testing for bone marrow donations and prostate cancer. New programs include partnerships with the University of Connecticut School of Medicine to assist with the identification of eligible candidates for the School of Dental Medicine and the CT Community Coalition for Change (Focus on Education: Our Youth).


    For over the past 20 years the Chapter has been a sponsor of a little league baseball team in the Hartford North End Little League Baseball Association. These programs not only provide needed services to the Hartford community, but also enhance the overall quality of life for its residents, thus making the Tau Iota Chapter and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. an organizational beacon in the city of Hartford. For additional information, please write to: Tau Iota Chapter/ Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. P.O. Box 1211, Hartford, CT 06143 or

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